Hello! My name is Bree Smith and I am currently a Sophomore at the University of South Alabama. Im a 19 year-old Elementary Education major, and I cant wait to start teaching! I have wanted to teach children for as long as I can remember. Children have just always been a passion of mine and they always brighten my day. I am currently employed at a local school and I have my very own class that I watch over everyday. While my job can be very stressful, it has also taught me many things about what I want to incorporate into my classroom and how I plan on teaching my future students.

My goal for this blog is to explain to everyone what I would like to incorporate into my classroom and how I want to use these things. My goals include utilizing things like blogs, life lessons, and how to have fun while learning. These are all very important to me, and I feel that it is very important for my students to learn these as well. I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Keeping in Contact with Parents

One of the biggest things that I plan on doing as a teacher is keeping in constant contact with the parents of my students. This may not be over the telephone or anything like that, but a really good way to do it is through my blog. I really want the parents of my students to feel like they are connected to whats going on in the classroom and what their children are learning. I plan on doing this by posting upcoming events to my bog and eve do a student of the week, so that they can see how thier child has excelled. I would also like to do some other type of activity that involves the parents like allowing my kids to record a podcast of a story that they have told. This would allow the parents to go and listen to their children whenever they like. I hope to come up with more ways to keep the parents involved, but for now, this is what stands out to me the most!

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